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Monday, January 12, 2015

Export AutoCAD Civil 3D Drawing Dialog Box

Export AutoCAD Civil 3D Drawing Dialog Box

Use this discussion box to specify configurations for dispatching to an AutoCAD® DWG information file or a Small Station® DGN information file and to decide which sketches to trade.
   Export To File Kind Identifies whether to trade to AutoCAD DWG or Small Place DGN.
   Exterior DWG Sources
Specifies how external DWG references, such as xrefs and information quick way references, are managed.
•    Ignore: Disregards external DWG references. Only things that are in the present illustrating are released.
•    Bind: Transforms each external DWG referrals to a prevent, creating it a lasting aspect of the released illustrating. Xref-dependent known as things are modified from  |definitionname to blockname$n$ definitionname structure.
•    Bind and Explode: Uses the Combine choice, and then blows up the causing prevent.
•    Bind and Insert: Holds the external DWG references to the present illustrating in a way that is just like removing and placing a referrals illustrating. Xref-dependent known as things are removed of the xref name.
•    Bind, Place, and Explode: Uses the Combine and Place choice, and then blows up the causing prevent.
•    Detach: Detaches external DWG references from the illustrating before the trade. Only xrefs that are connected to or overlaid straight on the present illustrating can be detached; stacked xrefs cannot be separated. Data files To Export.
   Identifies whether to trade the present illustrating only or all sketches in the resource directory, and whether to trade linens.
•    Select Current Drawing Only to trade only the present illustrating.
•    Select Chosen Drawings In Source Folder to trade all sketches in the specified resource directory. If you select this choice, you can also select the Consist of Drawings In Subfolders examine box to add all the sketches within the subfolders in the resource directory.
•    Select the Consist of Sheets examine box to trade document area templates. Export Settings Reveals the discussion box, where you can specify trade configurations for the available trade kinds (DWG and DGN).

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